Hullo Readers,
The weather has actually been glorious recently, so no chance of photographing new units properly(!) but here you'll see one of them in action at least...
My handsome Staghound is now more-or-less finished,
bar an antenna and a bit of mild weathering. |
Last Friday I ran a small 750pt introductory game for a seasoned player interested in converting to Bolt Action.
When I've tried to play intro games before they've always been unsuccessful, because despite my best efforts, I've won.
I didn't this time.
The Brits took an absolute thrashing at the hands of some veteran SS.
Some veteran SS |
We were wiped out to a man, but it was a cracking game, and we didn't go down without a fight!
The Brits. Going down but not without a fight. |
More nasty SS types |
The bastard panzerschrek. Bastard. |
By the end of turn 6 I had been tabled, but it was smashing.
We'd played an 'open' game, with me talking Peter through his options as and when they appeared, so his Germans (on loan from David, who runs the club) had a decent crack at it.
- With the last order die of turn 1, Peter brought on his HQ with two riflemen. I pointed out that they could have a crack at one of my lorries: a 6 to hit and a 6 to destroy. Guess what happened.
- Peter had a metric crap-tonne of assault rifles (deliberately!) which caused me grief, but only a single panzerfaust and a panzerschrek team in order to tackle my Staghound. The panzerschrek team, on turn four, needed a 6 to hit. When it did, it rolled a second 6 for penetration, and then two more 6s on the damage table. Ka-boom.
- My last unit standing was my 2" mortar (yes, I took a 2" mortar - deliberately), and with its last, desperate shot, they just managed to kill the SS Leutnant and his remaining runner. Well done, lads
So there we are.
That's all for now; tune in next time for some unit updates...
- Drax.