Monday, 6 October 2014

466 - '6MMRPC' #6 - More Painting Finished...and a Discovery.

I've not much time to post, but I've done with bloody work for tonight, and I thought I'd better note that I did, in fact, manage to paint last week after all:

I finished off the (GW) 'Sepia' wash for 3Pl of my 4KSLI infantry company, but having done so, I thought it didn't look quite right.

This led me to compare one of my stands from 2Pl - which I was far more happy with at the time - and I discovered that rather than sepia I had in fact used the black wash (as seen in the photo), so I re-washed them.

And now I'm happy with them.

That just leaves grass and bushes. And dullcote.

And given the thunderstorm that's just kicked in in coastal rural Devon, I don't think I'll have chance enough for spraying anything for days yet...

...Even if I did have any time.

- D.


  1. Loving the paint job, great work on the detail. I know the feeling with forgetting the steps! I've had plenty of head cratching painting my tanks!

    1. Yup.

      As it happens, you'll see on my cutting board a scribbled guide from yonks ago to painting camo on my 40K veterans.

  2. Awesome! I'm actually dreading tackling my 15mm WW2 stuff.

    1. It's a lot easier than it looks. 15mm means less details to have to worry about. Surprisingly faster to do.

    2. Cheers! And Dai's right: 28mm WW2 would terrify me. 15mm can be as easy as you want it to be - especially Brits, as they're just olive drab and khaki!

  3. Ay-ay, what are those unpainted tanks I see in the background?

    PBI look lovely mate. Very well done.

    1. Don't get excited - just the StuGs from the old 'Open Fire!' box. No idea what to do with them, although I suppose there's a tiny faint chance that I might put some Germans together in the far far future...

      Cheers for the comment.

  4. I was half expecting to hear that you were cut off by the weather again...

    1. Nope...although a faulty starter motor is contriving to do its best to keep me off work. All well?

  5. Very nice work. I'm going to be commencing a German army in the next few months, so this is good inspiration to try and increase the skill level a notch or two!

    1. Thanks, Paul (although I don't know if there's much 'skill' on display with my basic rifle platoons).

      I look forward to your adventures in field grey...

  6. Everything orange? you're right! Maybe I should rebrand the PBI A's Tyne Tees instead...

  7. *"as" - not "A's"...

    ...and would I then have to remodel them as shirtless?!


Thanks for taking the time to comment!