Thursday, 31 January 2019

669 - 2018 Winter Challenge: British Paras! Days 33+

Alright, All?

Well, it's the last day of January and I have failed to make my challenge. 

However, being the generous person that I am, I have magnanimously decided to give myself a ten-day extension. This is because of four significant factors. 
1) I mentioned before the Bolt Action 'Desert Heroes' event up in County Durham, but I'd failed to take into account that it would wipe out three whole painting sessions;
This remains the last photo taken, but now, they ALL have almost all
of their khaki bits painted. That honestly doesn't leave much!
2) I utterly hadn't anticipated needing to both build and paint the Cruel Seas starter vessels - my pal needs them for a demo he's running this weekend. We worked on this together...but that;s something else for a future post! 
Terrible flash-pic: they look cracking in real life!
3) I also got the sudden commission to build this 28mm 4-Ground kit on a five-day turnaround. It's immense (7" tall; 12" wide), and ridiculously complicated: hundreds - quite literally hundreds - of those planks had to be individually stuck on:
4) Finally, Mrs Drax and I (and sadly now even Draxlette No.1) have all come down with - in my doctor's words - "a bad case of the flu." This is the first time in three days that I've even been able to look at a screen for this long! 


The 2018(?) Winter Challenge continues...!

Watch this space.

- Drax.


  1. Nice looking minis, lovely building...and hope the flu is only a souvenir now!

    1. Ugh! Thanks! Sadly, it persists.

    2. Oh, and that building, Phil, really is quite astonishing: almost wasted on a wargame: better for an RPG!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks, Siph. At least the doc and my employer are helpful...


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