Sunday 23 December 2012

345 Christmas Floods and (Swimming) Shermans

Hullo All, and Merry Christmas!

Necessity requires me to keep this brief: floods in the village have severely limited our intenet access and our phones are down: that's right - this year Clan Drax is spending Christmas in an isolated village 19th-Century style!

Seriously: I spent an hour yesterday morning clearing a rockfall from the road 10 yards down from my cottage. It's WET down here.

On the plus side, work having finished and houseguests being unable to reach us have contrived to enable me to finish one platoon of my Flames Shermans and will have finished the other by the end of tonight! Sadly, there's no chance in hell of uploading any photos at the moment.

So here instead is a picture of a 'duplex-drive' swimming Sherman...which seems apt:
I'm afraid I can't guarantee that I'll be able to either view your blogs or read them over the next few days, guys and gals, so in advance of the Season, please accept the very very best of my wishes, and thanks as ever for reading.

Merry Christmas, one-and-all!

Your humble servant,

- Drax.


  1. Good luck with the floods. I hope they stay well away from your cottage.

    Feliz Navidad!

  2. hope the floods subside for you soon and have a great Christmas. got a bit of a flood problem myself here in the fens lol.

  3. Oooh, I got a taste of the floodwaters (almost literally) last month. Hope the holiday passes off without incident. All the best!

  4. Sounds very Wicker Man, hope Christmas went without a hitch otherwise - the flooding scuppered Xmas Dins for some of my family. Looking forward to seeing some photos once normal service resumes


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