Wotcha.I'm still on break from school, so I've been getting a bit more painting done, and as I've recently been trying out a bare-bones commander with four veteran snipers (70pts of order-wielding BS4 fire support!) I thought I ought to paint some more sniper models. The models are okay but boring, so - out of sheer boody-mindedness if nothing else - I painted them each exactly the same apart from slightly different skin tones. Rather than the temperate DPM camo cloaks my normal snipers wear (as do my veterans) I thought I'd bash out some basic 'urban' colours instead. I guess maybe the OC told these guys what to pack for...!
The following stage-by-stage was taken with a flash at night, but in case you're interested, the order (on a Chaos Black basecoat) is a very simple Astronomican Grey --> Codex Grey --> Midnight Blue. As it happened, the light grey and blue effect this produced was significantly dulled once washed down with good ol' Devlan Mud, so it fits in a lot better with the other camo I already have.
And it was just as ruddy time consuming!
[Apologies to the Inner Geek for the delay on his orgryn, but I've suddenly got a deadline to work to...]
Cheers all,
- Drax.