Monday 30 June 2014

444 - Change of Plan...But Here are some Pretty Pictures!

Okay, so I lied. I haven't got any more hobby time yet as (1) my dad's now in hospital and (2) the chance arose to do another week's worth of work marking exams and I need the money. Hobby, therefore, will have to wait.

On the plus side, whilst visiting the Ol' Sea Dog in Portsmouth, my offspring and I took a brief trip to Canoe Lake, where - as ever on a Sunday - the local R/C modellers were out in force...and this year they have a special theme! No prizes for guessing - enjoy the pics:
Annoyingly, I forgot to check the scale. These landing craft are about 3ft long though.
No. 1 Daughter's arm...
...and bizarrely, this is what Google+ considered to be an 'enhancement' of the above. Err...?
Toy soldiers, anyone?
That silver WWI tank is 1:6 scale, apparently!
Portsmouth. Twinned with Caen. Yup: I went there.
Some other floaty things.
I thought I'd take a shot of this too, but it's out of focus. At least you can see who did all the hard work!
Nos. 1 and 2 Daughters totally digging the craftsmanship...albeit to the detriment of the fence.
- Drax.
[back soon]


  1. Hope Dad gets better soon my friend. :(

    Scale models look very nice. Did you get to see them in action also, or just on display?

    1. Thanks, mate: the good ol' NHS is doing him proud.

      Before I moved away, I used to see the boats quite often: they've been known to recreate famous maritime engagements with really good pyrotechnics!

  2. How delightfully eccentric! Wish I could see that at my local park instead of graffiti and dog poo!

    Best wishes to your Dad. Cheers, Paul :-)

    1. Yeah...there's a reason I retain a soft spot for Pompey.

      Thanks for the good wishes,

      - Chris.

  3. It is nice to share something a bit different every now and again, so cheers for the photos.

    Oddly enough I jumped onto the bloggosphere for a distraction. My father-in-law has gone to hospital just now looking a little ominous in an ambulance. So here is a shout out to sick dads everywhere. 'Hang in there Dads!'

    1. You're most welcome. If only diversions weren't in lieu of actual hobby.

      Thanks for the shout out - I hope your father-in-law's okay...?


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