Monday 19 January 2015

483 - X-Wing Moonbase Painting Progress

Hullo All,

Thanks for the tips a couple of posts ago: I've now drybrushed the rock, softened? warmed? changed the grey of all the man-made structures and then repainted all of the shadow and some edge highllights, with varying degrees of success. I reckon it looks smashing!
Not amused.
Amused far less.
Sadly, spot colours just didn't work at all: the scale's all wrong. If I had subtlety enough with my painting, I'd paint it in a muted palette like the underside of the GR-70 Reel Transport...but I don't. So I won't.

It still needs a bit more tidying, and I'll follow some of  Mordian 7th's advice and deepen the well-like structures, but it's that Lambda shuttle that's frustrating me: I just cannot make it look right and the more paint I put on it the clunkier it becomes. Any thoughts for more free help, please?

Pretty please?

- D.


  1. Nice! It has much more definition now. I'd probably just leave it and see how you feel about it in a couple of weeks. It's easy to over-think these things :-)

    1. Good thinking, Batman. That just about suits my painting regularity too!

  2. I like it!

    The only thing that I would suggest for the shuttle is a black stripe across the cockpit to represent the front window, I think that's all that missing - beyond that I think it looks fine in white, no spot colors needed. With that addition I think it'll look bang on:

    Really dig how that's turning out, man - awesome work on a tiny scale!

  3. That space cat is gonna eat your asteroid.

    1. Nom nom nom!

      'Absurdly Handsome Cat' is now becoming 'Pleasingly Tubby Cat'.

  4. Looking good. If you wanted to add a bit more contrast, you could use some black washes around the very edges of the man made sections to add some deeper shadows. I think it looks pretty good myself. That is a tiny tiny scale!

    1. Cheers!

      Yeah, the scale is baffling me, to be honest...but I suspect I'll take Paul's advice and step back for a bit...

  5. I actually think (Black windscreen stripe aside on the shuttle) that it looks pretty darn good as is.

    Thought the Space Slugs didn't have fur though?

    1. For once the photography actually makes a model look better! In real life the Shuttle looks pretty ropey, so I suspect I will try to add something to it. The rest of the base I think I'm likely to leave now, to be honest.

      ...And Absurdly Handsome Cat's fur is so silky he's practically a slug anyway.

  6. Maybe do some blacklining of the shuttle. I'd use a tiny pen (or dark pencil sharpened to a pin point). Particularly where the wings articulate would be my suggestion. As well (as mentioned) colourize the front canopy window.

    I still think a few touchs of colour around the base would like good. The pipes coming out of the independant washers, the large array that might be radar on the top of the largest building. Some red spots for lights on the guns.
    Maybe a strip of yellow or white along the corridor connectors?

    If you look at various (well painted) battle fleet gothic ships and/or full thrust ships you'll often see banks of spots painted as lit windows. Consider that as an option on the cylinder that lives on the pie plate (a control tower?)

    1. Thanks mate: that's a great idea to look at BFG stuff - thanks!

      I have a tiny artist's pen that I use for lining so that could work...

    2. (by which I don't mean that I've stolen the pen belonging to an artist of small stature)

  7. How about a small lamp light source for that shuttle landing pad. Would allow you to put a shadow on one side of the shuttle and break up that flat grey as well as giving the shuttle some depth/dimension as well.

    1. That's a cracking idea, Kushial - thanks! That said, I've never tried 'source lighting' and I fear it might be rather beyond me...

  8. Seems you've been noticed Drax ;)


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