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No. 1.
I want a new army. Now, this isn't just me champing at the bit to go for a PSC-Honey-Stuart-led Brits in North Africa 'Flames' army - oh no. I want a new system.
So what's it to be? - SAGA? Bolt Action in 28mm? A hopeful expansion of my 15m Bolt Action, that I could ultimately use - maybe - with some 'Battlegroup: Overlord' rules? - I just don't know. And I certainly don't have anyspare cash.
But I still get the feeling it's going to happen. And this is because...
No. 2.
...it's because I've changed as a gamer. I've suddenly realised that my approach to gaming is now far more like many of the 'older' bloggers I've either met or followed through the years: I've become an occasionaly gamer of whatever ruleset I like the style of, and I'm happy to keep a pet army for each. Maybe Ive grown up. Either way, this seems dierctly linked to the fact that...
No. 3.
...Real Life(TM) has definitely got in the way again recently - especially of '6MMPRC' - but for the first time in a long while,
This is something of a departure for me, so I'll explain briefly: I work very long hours, I have a young family, and I do my fair share around the house; I'm also the only driver in a rural household. Recently though, I've started two new things: working out (Cross-Fit) and singing in a choir. These things - unanticipated when I started out on 6MMRPC - have both been of real benefit to me (especially in terms of losing weight/getting enjoyably fitter) but have lost me three evenings a week of work, let alone painting toy soldiers, so the painting has temporarily dried up,
Yay.No. 4.
Luckily X-Wing is AMAZING and I'm really looking forward to crafting more X-Wing scenery. Watch this space.
No. 5.
IF (and it's a big 'IF') I do end up going for a new direction, what should it be? And should I see if I can get a legal (and only vaguely competitive) force painted up before February 2015 so that I ight enter a local tourney?
If you have a response to anything I've posed here, I'd really love to hear it: I think Drax is going to need a wee bit of guidance here, y'know...