Wednesday 28 February 2018

631 - Bolt Action: RAF Regiment Runaround

Hullo, All.

I finished this one at the same time as finishing up the Churchill from last week's post - another of my Lledo toy re-paints: in this case a utility van for my small RAF Regiment force. I also plan to re-purpose my 'spare' [painted] 4KSLI lorry for the Rock Apes, soon...
Painting-wise, this was mostly a no-brainer, but I actually painted it blue first and then also painted the 'chips' in the paint to show blue underneath, and I was very pleased with how it turned out.
I also hand-painted the roundels, which worked out fine.
Next up? Probably a brief battle report.


- Drax.


  1. ooh! That's a great looking model/paint job, well done!

  2. It looks like a drunk extra from a Thomas Tank Engine episode with those headlights. :P

    Smashingly painted though matey. Will be a counts-as jeep? Or is too big? Cos it looks too small to be a truck from here.

    THose roundels look like decals. Nicely done indeed!

    1. Ha!

      Ricky the Rock Ape Van?

      It's counting as a utility car, which has the same profile as a jeep.

  3. This looks fantastic. I love the panel modulation.

    1. Ha! Thanks, John!

      No 'modulation' though, I'm afraid - just my usual shading and muddy drybrushing. Glad it looked fancy though! :)

  4. Looks very nice - in particular the blue undercoat looks really nice.

    1. Cheers, matey! I was sorried that I overdid it, but I guess it looks a little more subtle in real life...


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