Last week I got the chance to play a kind-of 'intro' game for a player new to BA, and this put me in the rather fun position of fielding two of my own forces against each other - I'm not usually very competitive, but this time I really really didn't care which side won!
My opponent, 'C' [the same fellow as in my previous post: link here], set up a cracking table at the club which lent itself perfectly to the attacker/defender scenario with table quarters, and so we set up (with no reserves - for simplicity) in our opposing corners and called in our preliminary bombardments.
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German 'village' is bottom-left; British quarter is top-right. |
British LW - regular; ~1000pts:
- 2Lt
- 3x 10-man Infantry Sections, each w/ 1x SMG and 1x LMG
- Free Artillery Observer
- 2" (light) Mortar
- Sniper
- Staghound Armoured Car
- Cromwell CS Tank
- 3x 3-Ton Lorries
German LW - regular; ~1000pts
- 2Lt
- 3x 9-man Infantry Squads, each w/ 1x AR, 1x LMG and 2x Panzerfaust
- Medium Mortar + Spotter
- Panzerschreck
- Sniper
- Nebelwerfer 41
- Panzer IV Ausf.H
- Sd.Kfz.251/1
Opening Stages:
For both sides, the preliminary bombardment took its toll: my Brits suffered first, losing the Staghound (destroyed) and quite a number of pins spread around - particularly amongst lorry passengers; the sniper lost his mate too. The Germans took more pins overall, and although they didn't lose any really significant hardware, they did lose their sniper team and the medium mortar spotter as well as a rifleman. However, 'C' had been canny and sensibly placed his mortar crew where they had both cover and a good line of sight, so they were okay.
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Ready to roar out on my left flank! |
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Oh, drat. Bye-bye, Staghound. |
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On his left (my right), the Heer advance. |
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Whilst on my right, the transport lorry grinds to a halt and - failing its order test, reversed the few inches it could. It didn't do any better in turn two either! |
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Cromwell CS takes an indirect shot at the Panzer. Miss. |
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Finally, the Toms de-bus on the right, and get moving. |
And when the dust cleared, the Nebelwerfer would be werfing Nebel no more.
Middle Bit:
On my left flank there was a flurry of musketry as two of our infantry units started exchanging leaden gifts, but shooting first and having a slight advantage in numbers was enough to help the Toms whittle Fritz down to nothing, and the remaining troops headed toward 'C's deployment area in the village whilst the PIAT team crept along a treeline on a Panzer hunt...
After this it seemed as if the battle would swing more my way, but alas! Sneaky 'C' had sneakily snuck a squad of Heer Grenadiers forward in their Hanomag, right into the middle of the table and into my home quarter. Booo! Hiss!
With my troops all moving forward, I had nothing left to challenge their presence except my Cromwell and the platoon commander - sadly for me, the Germans realised this too, and took full advantage by not only gunning-down the startled subaltern but also destroying (through resulting proximity) the lorry which had struggled so much on my right flank. Double-booo! Double-hiss!
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Note the dead lorry on the right. Boo. |
With fewer dice left, things started moving more quickly now: with an early-drawn dice, 'C' made the superb call to try a 5-up ranging shot on my stupidly stationary 2" mortar team - it hit on a six and killed them stone dead.
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My 2" Mortar, shortly before they got viciously out-mortared. |
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"Rock-Apes...CHARGE!" |
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Here they come... |
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...and the mortar boys won't last long. |
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The RAF boys are whittled down on the way in. |
Meanwhile, the Germans on my doorstep tried a couple of sneaky Panzerfaust shots at the Cromwell. Unluckily for 'C', although one hit, all it did was give them a bit of a headache; in return it started to whittle them down, but not fast enough. They were still in my quarter, as was their transport, and there was nothing I could swiftly do to change this!
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'Fausted. |
When the Pz.IV couldn't quite winkle the RAF boys out from their position in the ruins of a village house, and with no-one else left to help, the Leutnant took action. Steeling himself and cocking his trusty Luger, he flung himself at the Rock Apes and took the fight to them. Unsurprisingly, he perished, but in doing so (with his 'Tough Fighters' rule that the pistol grants) he actually killed two Brits. They'd only caused one wound, so it seemed only fair(!) to interpret this* as he had 'won the fight' and the Brits melted away.
To rub the comedic salt even further into the wound, this now left the Pz.IV as the closest vehicle to the lorry, meaning that it too was lost: that Leutnant's brave and suicidal charge had lost me two order dice and six - SIX! - victory points!
In the final reckoning, we'd both killed the same number of order dice, but the Brits, through their flanking units, had secured enough VPs to secure a win.
And what a hard-fought battle that was, too!
- Drax.
*NB: I suspect there's actually an appropriate caveat in the rules for such a scenario...
What a cracking game. Your battle reports do give a good sense of BA gameplay to people who have yet to discover its joys. And lovely photos as well!
ReplyDeleteWow - kind words indeed...
Delete...and I certainly hope so!
O that sounded like loads of fun!
ReplyDeleteHope it whetted C's appetite enough to go buy an army of his own!
Yeah - it really was a fun game, and it went right down to the wire!
DeleteOooh nicely close.
ReplyDeleteYup - a great intro-type game.
DeleteWonderful looking game. I really want to take a crack at BA sometime. The line is all metal models?
ReplyDeleteافكار جديدة فى التنظيف
تنظيف البيوت من المسئوليه الكبيرة التى لابد من القيام بيها و فالتنظيف من الاشياء الحيوية التى تساعد فى الحفاظ على المكان وتساعد فى الحفاظ على صحتك وصحه افراد اسرتك فاليك افضل الطرق المميزة التى تساعد فى الشعور بالراحه النفسيه والهدوء والسعى الى التخلص من اى تغيرات من الممكن ان تتعرض اليها من اهم ما تقوم بيه الاتى :-
شركة تنظيف الشارقة
شركة تنظيف شقق الشارقة
شركة تنظيف فلل الشارقة
شركة تنظيف منازل الشارقة
الاغطيه والمفروشات من اهم الاشياء التى لابد من الحفاظ عليها والقيام باعمال التنظيف باستمرار لانها من الممكن ان تؤدى الى التعرض الى الحساسية والامراض الصدرية فعليك ان تقوم باعمال التنظيف مرة على الاقل كل 6 اشهر والقيام بتنفيض الملايات والمراتب والتخلص من الاتربة ، بالاضافة الى القيام بتغير الملايات مرة كل اسبوع .
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شركة تنظيف فلل دبي
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• الارضيات ومشاكل التنظيف التى لابد من الاهتمام بيها فافضل الطرق فى اعمال التنظيف للبورسلين استخدام المياه والمنظفات المميزة المخصصه للارضيات ، الباركية شمع العسل وزيت بذرة القنب من اهم الاشياء التى تساعد فى الحفاظ عليها ضد اى تغيرات تتعرض اليها فاليك الطرق المجربة ( امزجى قليل من زيت الفنب وعليه معلقه كبيرة من الخل ومعلقه كبيرة من الكحول الطبى والبدء فى استخدام قطعه من القماش ومسح الارضيات والاهتمام باعمال التجفيف وانتظر النتيجه بعد دقائق)
• شركة تنظيف العين
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• شركة تنظيف منازل العين
• الهواء الراكد من اكثر المسببات للرواح الكريهه فى المكان ومن اكثر الاشياء التى يحتاج الى تجددها فمن افضل الطرق هو القيام بفتح الشبابيك المتواجده فى المكان والقيام بفتح الشفاط الكهربائى وتغير الهواء المتواكد فى المكان ، او القيام بزيوت عطرية ووضعها فى بخاخات