And huzzah for Fridays, eh?
Just thought I'd share: last week I played the gentlemanly Fallen 73rd online using the superb Vassal 40k and the wonderful first scenario from UK WD353: Evacuation.
Here's the scene of carnage at the end:
(You'll note that my commander had to escape using a stolen Eldar Falcon, as there isn't yet a valkyrie model available).
73rd crated a great 'table' to play on, representing the jungled ruins in the WD battle, and we used the floor plan on the right to locate the troops on different levels. All the buildings counted as 4+ ruins with line of sight bounded by reason and gentlemanly agreement (thanks, 73rd!) and we used the forces as outlined in the WD battle report (see below).
Despite a fairly disastrous start the brave boys of the Imperial Guard managed to fight through enough of the evil deathbots to allow the flyboys to land and begin the evacuation. The real champions of the match were the special weapons squad who - with two immaculately lobbed demo charges - destroyed 8 necrons from a squad of 10, thus clearing a landing space for the valks on the West face of the ruins (you can just make out the scrap metal the 'crons left behind). Hooray for demo charges, eh?
73rd was - of course - very sporting throughout and the game was great fun. It's worth noting that it was good fun to try different units out, and playing a scenario rather than a balanced scrap is just so much fun!
I was going to note the forces involved, but I'm knackered and I've a house guest downstairs whose birthday it is today I ought really to go and speak to him. Was this batrep in the latest US White Dwarf? If not, I can provide more details on request...
- Drax.