I should explain.This is the battle report from my wonderful and thoroughly enjoyable match a couple of weeks ago against Fallen 73rd over at Unforgiven Angels. My army list can be found here and 73rd's will be added to this post soon. It was 1500pts and a chance for me to field a detachment from the Cadian 24th's 1st Battalion - basically all of my light vehicles (less the W-i-P Wyvern)!But here's the thing, and I've a feeling that some of you purists out there will disown Drax for this:we played online.Yes. 73rd is an absolutely marvellous opponent: thoroughly sporting, a proper gentleman and up for a laugh...but I've never met the chap. He lives over 200 miles away (for those of you in the States, 200 miles is a huge distance over here!) and I live in the deep countryside with no car and busy weekends. [Seriously: even when we hire a car (like today) it still takes us over half-an-hour to reach a road with two lanes!]I don't understand any of it, and I simply cannot use the right technical language, but there's a program called Vassal which replicates (extremely well) a 2-D game of 40K with all the requisite pieces, as you can see below. I've played 73rd like this thrice now, and each game's been a corker, but this latest one was simply superb! We're usually happy to forgo technicalities for the sake of cinematic style, and boy, did we get it in this one! From the hapless Dark Angel missiles pinging off the chimera hulls to the final what-the-hell showdown between his terminator chaplain and my heroic young officer, this was Good Fun. Add in a sentinel bonking a Deathwing terminator on the head with a multilaser and you've just about got an idea of the joy of it - even in inglorious 2-D!The details and a commentary will be added bit-by-bit, and I'll let you know when I have...but here are the teams, and the screenshots follow:
1500pts IG armoured column NB: All vehicles have smoke.
2 hellhounds, each with basic armament + extra armour [I’ve always thought it makes no sense for hellhounds to be FA]
Full platoon as follows:
HQ: Jr. Officer with Honorifica Imperialis, melta bombs, p/wpn, bolt pistol; vox; vet medic; 2 grenade launchers
1 sect: sgt; vox; plasma gun
2 sect: sgt; vox; melta gun
3 sect: sgt; vox; grenade launcher
4 sect (r): sgt; vox; flamer [NB: They share HQ section’s chimera]
4 chimera transports, comprising: 2 with T-L heavy bolter; 1 with multi laser; 1 with autocannon
2 sentinels w. multi laser 2 sentinels w. lascannon
Griffon Basilisk with indirect fire.
Total: 1504pts.
Note that man-for-man the Guard are outnumbered!DARK ANGELS:HQ:
Interrogator Chaplain - Terminator Armour - 120 pts
Deathwing Terminators - Cyclone Missile - 245 pts
10 Marines - Sergeant PPistol - Flamer, Missile Launcher - 210 pts
10 Marines - Sergeant PPistol - Flamer, Missile Launcher - 210 pts
10 Marines - Sergeant PPistol - Flamer, Missile Launcher - 210 pts
Fast Attack:
6 Ravenwing Bikes, 1 Attack Bike, 1 Landspeeder - 2 Flamers (Bikes) - 380 pts
1 Ravenwing Landspeeder - Typhoon Missile Launcher - 75 pts
Dedicated TransportsRazorback - 50 pts
Razorback - 50 pts
TOTAL = 1490 pts Oh yes - by the way: the men of the 1st/24th won...
- Drax.