So...a month in! A month in, and this is a rough guide to what I've accomplished:Roughly 150 hits;One comment (thanks, seemyinnergeek!);52 images;The vague manipulation of html;Some links to other great sites established;My first ever attempt at freehand design painting (see below, and post 015);
4 units fully finished because of the impetus of this blog, including: 2 sentinels, 1 missile launcher squad, B Coy comd squad, and even one of my autocannon squads (which will be posted this weekend) - so that'll soon be five units in a month: unprecedented! And that's with a week travelling!*
I have to say I'm pleased with the start we've made - and thanks to all of you for your patience and support: I really appreciate it!
Now I'm going to (a) post this and hope that the 'comments' option appears this time, and (b) start possibly thinking about a possible entry for the BoLS competition to design an IG regiment for their Macharian Campaign . Yay!Thanks, all...- Drax.*Incidentally, I really enjoyed the two days I spent at my new school in Devon, and my wife and I have found a lovely cottage to rent too...ahh!