Sunday 29 April 2012

311 Filthy Traitor Scum

I've actually got some painting done!

This is the most stupidly busy time of the school year as all the students' coursework etc. is being collated and double-marked, but I really needed a night off last night, so I actually got the paints out for an hour or so.

I've been painting up 12 traitor guard mortar teams for my pal Zzzzzz, and these aren't the ones I worked on last night, but a trio I'd already finished. The ones I'm working on currently are far more...turned. Still, it might serve as proof that (a) I am still alive, (b) I am still working on them (sorry for the time it takes me, Zzzzzz - only 4 teams left now!) and (c) when absolutely necessary, even I will put a brush to filthy traitor scum.

Never thought they'd see light on this blog, though. I enjoyed painting some of the tatoos - see if you can spot them:
See you on the other side,
- D.

Wednesday 18 April 2012

310 FREE DOWNLOAD: 'The Commander's Field Handbook'

Hullo, All!

Last week I was trawling
Suneokun's 'Pathfinder' blog, and I was reminded of the excellent resource he created for Imperial Guard players to download - an aide-memoire for fielding the Imperium's finest - so I decided to re-advertise it, not least for the attention of all the newer bloggers I've been following of late:Please follow THIS LINK HERE to go to Suneokun's page and download the 2 page pdf file, and please spread the word, as it's dead useful and a real masterwork, with artwork by Ron (FTW), too.
- Drax.

Tuesday 10 April 2012

309 The Giant's Lair - FLGS - Part II

Hullo, Readers.

For those of you who missed Part I, do please pop over now and take a shufti at it. This - rather self-evidently - is the second part, in which I share a few pics of the upstairs of The Giant's Lair.

The upstairs is where the magic seems to happen. Although it's the same size as downstairs it's currently not used for gaming (as far as I know) so much as for designing, creating, painting and storing some of the store's amazing scenery and tables.

There is actually one more room too - the second half of the ground floor; that part not shown in Part I. This contains the 'store' bits, the kitchen and serving area (the home-made burgers are amazing, especially as Mrs. Drax is a veggie), a donated comfy seating area, painting tables, gaming magazines and...yup...yet more tables for gaming.

Please enjoy the pics (and thanks for the comments on Part I - I'll be passing some on to the Management!):

Check out the work that's gone into this:

This fortified outpost was donated to the club by a member:

Another space-y table: ...the evidence of a lot of hard work!
There's simply piles of the stuff:


For showpiece games at conventions:

- Drax.

Thursday 5 April 2012

308 The Giant's Lair - FLGS - Part I

Hi, All,

As promised a while back, here's a bunch of photos of my fantastic FLGS: The Giant's Lair - "The South-West's Premier Wargaming Centre". No comments, I'm afraid, as I'm knackered, but enjoy some of their lovely scenery. Oh, and as it's a double-width two-storey industrial unit, this is just the main games room - only a quarter of the whole floorspace:

And yes, that IS an entrie drop-pod modelled into the scenery. Any questions about any of these pics, please just ask. Part II will involve some of the upstairs stuff...

- D.

Sunday 1 April 2012

307 First 'Flames' Infantry Finished

Well, after 20 years of 40K it's been weird to model and paint my Late War British infantry, but here are the first two finished stands:

The sergeant of the stand on the left doesn't actually have a green face - he's looking behind him. This confused me when I first saw the pics...

I was worried at first when I started playing with the static grass that it looked too bright green...and then I saw some pics of the garden that Mrs Drax took this week, and the worry left me:
By the way, thanks to Ron's From the Warp tutorial on the application of static grass - the stand on the right was grassed after I read it, and it's far better!


- Drax.