Tuesday 26 September 2017

604 - Panzer IV Ausf. H


Another unit painted, and again I actually had fun doing this one!

I've finished my Panzer IV, and I've opted for Schurzen with a different (two-colour) scheme, the idea being that the plates have been salvaged from another vehicle.

Please be advised that In Real Life, the Rotbraun is far more brown and far less red - it's quite muted actually. In these photos it looks really quite vibrantly red: it's not - honest!


- Drax.

Sunday 17 September 2017

603 - Desert Rats Sikh Reinforcements

I was tempted to pun more with that title, but suffice it to say, I've painted up a few more toys for my Sikhs:

  • A Vickers MMG and three crew,
  • A second officer model (white, this time) as my artillery forward observer,
  • His signaller, who will act as my artillery forward observer when it's just a one-man team,
  • A platoon 2" mortar team.
Avoid enlarging this - it probably won't bear close scrutiny!
This all means that all of my original desert army toys are now painted up, but I do still have the camel-mounted officer and runner which Mattenbury very kindly donated to the war effort...

Anyone would think I had a game planned against the Deutsch Afrika Korps this week...!

- Drax. 

Friday 8 September 2017

602 - Resurgam

Hullo, World.

I was totally planning to do some painting this evening, but alas and alack, my frustrating allergies to my two pet cats [don't ask!] has rendered my eyes puffy, bloodshot and less than ideal for painting. 

So I figured I ought to return to the blogosphere. 

Thank you very much for your kind comments after my last post - life is returning to normal now and all is well. 

I've felt actual, real-world guilt for not blogging about some of my Bolt Action games  - which I know is ridiculous - but if I gloss over some of them, I shall at least eventually cover the second part of the Battle of Hamburg (which was every bit as amazing to play as the first installment). For now, though, here is a brief overview of some of my gaming antics over the last three months...

Bolt Action!

In a nutshell, I finally played a game with a fully painted (if not ideally composed) force of Germans and got enjoyably thrashed by Mattenbury's gutsy RM Commandos... 

I played a joint game against some Russians with my established ally, Alex, and to our surprise we won...
I played a handful of introductory games against some pleasant opponents in Portsmouth...
I've painted up my first 1000 points of late-war Germans AND started to put together my Blitzkrieg/Op Sealion Germans with more of a sense of direction now, including a couple of enjoyable conversions...
Points for telling me what's going on with the last two pictures...
For my late-war Brits, I've started putting together a squad of RAF Regiment, a 4.2" mortar and a Chaplain. Because why not, right?!

Black Powder?

Yes, I finally gave Napoleonics a go, on a grand scale, courtesy of Guy and his amazing miniatures...huge fun, but it's not for me.


I finished painting up Zzzzzz's combat medic team (and quite enjoyed them in the end!)...
Oh, and I was invited to Devos IV to help him to "line up the little men". 1830 of them, to be more precise...
Recognise any of these lovelies...?

Yeah, this experience was absolutely amazing! I urge you to check out the first of Zzzzzz's posts about it, here: link, and here: link.

Err...and I've discovered Netflix and the strange not-quite-nostalgia of watching my way through Star Trek: TNG.

Oh, and this is a snapshot of the Drax family (No.1 Daughter) enjoying one of our many beautiful local beaches. Honestly, sometimes it's like living in Narnia, round here...
Good to be back!


- Drax.