Friday, 25 December 2009
176 Season's Greetings
With thanks and regards to you and yours,
- Drax, Mrs. Drax, Baby and Corgi
Enjoy the time with your folks.
Sunday, 13 December 2009
175 I'm trying...I'm trying...
I’ve lost mine…
Tuesday, 24 November 2009
174 "MEDIC!"
Saturday, 21 November 2009
173 Post-Baby Update
I'm not a big fan of posts which start by apologising for absence or a lack of news, so I won't, but I've been experimenting and thinking of late, and here are my two main realisations:
1) I can just about sit comfortably and paint with baby Hazel in a sling around my neck, and
2) If I can focus, concentrate and access enough spare time (and wakefulness!) I should(!) be able to get the last of my infantry company finished by the end of the Christmas holidays.
Well, it's something nice to aim for, anyway. After all, Suneokun has finished his!
Take care, all,
- Drax.
Monday, 9 November 2009
172 Going on Campaign

Saturday, 7 November 2009
171 Drax Minora
Wednesday, 4 November 2009
170 'Must-Have' Unit
Ron, over at From the Warp has asked us for a collaborative post exploring our 'must have' unit - that without which we would never leave the troop carrier (compulsory units aside).
The only problem? My 'must have' unit is a compulsory choice: the humble platoon command section.
But now? Strewth! They have hardly any bumps, they can't afford medics anymore (at 30pts each) they no can longer inspire their troops and their sodding vox batteries have run down, leaving them with a measly (read: 'pointless') 6" range.
So why do I like them?
Simple. For 50 points I can get a 5-man scoring unit with Ld8 and 4 grenade launchers. Genius! For 105pts I can give them a chimera too! They can scoot around, shoot four S6 shots out to 24", and maybe even occasionally give out some useful orders (hmmm...).
But here's the thing: they're a real throwaway unit. Officers attract fire because they look important, they sound important, and they used to actually be important...but they're not! Of course they can be tremendously useful, but under the old codex, if you could kill a platoon's officer, you'd scare the horses and panic the men...they'd scatter like rats out of an aqueduct.
Now? Who cares! The infantry can watch Rupert the Officer getting himself slotted whilst ostentatiously striking a pose, turn to their sergeants and say "Right then, Sarge - what next?". The bump to sergeants has rendered the officers pretty much obsolete. So it goes.
So I love 'em. If you want to tool them up for anti-tank duties with four melta guns in a chimera...great - go for it! If you want to keep them back mumbling their poxy orders and maybe counter-attacking...wonderful! If you fancy keeping them out of sight with a mortar team...smashing! For me, I'll pretty much keep them on foot with three or four grenade launchers, and have my little bit of Draxian fun.
Thanks Ron, and cheers for reading, everyone.
- Drax.
Saturday, 31 October 2009
169 Halloween in the Drax Household
Friday, 30 October 2009
168 3 Platoon, 2 Section Finished (with freehand)
Wednesday, 28 October 2009
167 Trying Freehand Details
Tuesday, 27 October 2009
Saturday, 24 October 2009
165 Leman Russ Annihilator Finished
Sunday, 18 October 2009
164 Veteran Heavy Weapons Finished
For some obscure reason, Blogspot is not giving me my normal option to change this font to Ariel. Still, I'm sure no-one else cares.
At long last I've finished my hardened veterans' heavy bolter/autocannon team! What follows is how it looks now, with both weapons:
Saturday, 17 October 2009
163 Lascannon Sentinel Finished At Last!
Thursday, 15 October 2009
162 Space Marines are Posers - I Have Proof!
Just look at this double-spread from the 5th Ed rulebook (used without permission):
Now, we all know that those oh-so-clever astartes are ambidextrous...but don't you think it's a little too coincidental that all those to the right of the picture are firing right-handed, whilst all those to the left are - well - lefties?
What would the Emperor say if he thought anyone could spoil the aesthetic of an artistic last stand?
The only chap on the left who's dared to use his right hand is only doing so because the left one's been blown off - can you imagine the dreadful faux-pas had he accidently positioned himself to shoot the baddies on the right? He never would have had an open line to the audience!
And what about his mate with the white-ish bolter, to the left of Red-Knee-Pads at the bottom? Surely those hot spent bolt cases are going to eject right into his power-armoured crotch! Being ambidextrous is all very well, but most bolters appear to be made for righties...
...And don't even get me started on the two big lummoxes in the middle - they may as well have jazz hands!
There you go: space marines are posers - you can almost imagine the librarian setting up his tripod.
It brings a whole new meaning to space marine "cheese"!
- Drax
PS: Thanks to The Inner Geek.
Wednesday, 14 October 2009
161 'Calneage' Battle Report

Sunday, 11 October 2009
160 More Tournament Photos
Here are a few more pics from the 'Calneage' tournament a fortnight ago - courtesy of my doubles ally, Mike the Merciless - he's planning to knock together a battle report too, so watch this space. We came 5th out of 14 teams in the end, so we were very pleased with that! Thanks again to all those who ran and attended it for making it a great day!
Sadly, no pics so far from games 1 and 4, but in game 2, Mike's marines thrust forward on the left flank...